Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Happy Hump Day

Wednesday's Show:
Still no end to the fighting. Where do things go from here? Is a ground war next? Anderson is live on the front lines. Tune in at 10 p.m. ET.

Howdy all you Ander-peeps out there! Hope everyone in having an amazing Wednesday!!!

So, nothing really interesting has happened as of late; I painted my room, it wont be "complete" until I get my new bed spread lol, which hopefully will be tomorrow!! I really like the way my room turned out, I painted the room Chromium with black trim (Spurs Colors lol) which is a major change from the Baby Blue and white that I had (Argentina Colors lol) I just realized, either way, my room supports Manu Ginobili in some way lol!

My sister's basketball team scrimmaged yesterday. The girls they scrimmaged all played for the high school varsity team. I thought it was pretty good, score didn't reflect it, BUT the only way to really get better is to play against people that are better than you. I got to play with them since the coach wanted to have a full bench that could sub in. It was pretty fun. I really miss playing ball lol, but as soon as I get my happy butt in shape, hopefully I'll be able to play this coming fall!

Anywho, hope everyone has a great evening or morning where ever you may be reading this from!!!!


Jenn C said...

NICE pic. Knocked the wind out of me. THANKS.

Anonymous said...

"Happy Hump Day", next to an Anderpic? :-P

Oh, it's almost more than I can bear!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great pic Rita! *thud*.

You painted your room? Man, you are more ambitious than I. I'm glad my share of energy went to such a deserving person. lol We'd love to see pics when you're done with your re-decorating.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great pic Rita! *thud*.

You painted your room? Man, you are more ambitious than I. I'm glad my share of energy went to such a deserving person. lol We'd love to see pics when you're done with your re-decorating.