Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Major Kudos to Erica Hill

Hill: And it may be hard to believe, but there is a web site more popular than and those dedicated to Anderson Cooper.

Haha, well folks I missed 360 last night, and what do I miss?!?!?!? OMG! Why wasn't I able to watch this Anderson-Erica Exchange?!?!?

So Erica, obviously knows of the Andersites out there seeing as how she was able to say that myspace is more popular than our fan sights, but seeing as how myspace has Anderson groups as part of the sight, seems like we all win overall!!! Yay for us Anderfans!!!

1 comment:

i_heart_anderson_cooper said...

OT- sorry!

The Anderson Cooper Trading Post

Here's the idea- if you want to trade AC memorabilia without the hassels of ebay or the cost- visit

There you can find ppl who are willing to trade with you. It costs nothing & you will never pay for a magazine or item, only shipping on the item you are trading it for. I'll be commenting on all the AC blogs I can find to try to get it up and running ASAP.