If you're star-struck, Southern Methodist University's 2006-07 Willis M. Tate Distinguished Lecture Series is the forum for you. If you crave first-hand information from movers and shakers who change our world, you'll also want to be there.
Outgoing Mexican President Vicente Fox, newsmen Tom Brokaw, Ted Koppel and Anderson Cooper and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin are in the new season's lineup....
...The lineup and sponsors are:...
• Tuesday, Nov. 14: The Jones Day Lecture with Mr. Cooper, host of CNN's Anderson Cooper 360.
The Willis M. Tate Distinguished Lecture Series is presented by The Dallas Morning News and sponsored by WFAA-TV (Channel 8), The Mansion on Turtle Creek and American Airlines Inc. Supporters are Cebolla Fine Flowers, KLIF-AM (570), the SMU Student Foundation, Sewell Lexus, Turner Construction and the Weitzman Group/Cencor Realty Services.
Tickets to individual lectures are $40 and can be ordered online at or by calling SMU Program Services at 214-768-8283.
(Thanks to A Fan in Ohio for this)
WHY ME?!?!?!?!?!? Why did this lecture have to fall on a TUESDAY!!! Ok, yeah so Dallas is 7ish hours away from where I live, but if it were any other day of the week, I would SO JUST GET UP AND GO! But NO, with my luck it falls on the busiest day of my school week, when I have class until 9:30pm. tempting! BUT WAIT its kinda close to the end of the semester, so what if I force myself to NOT miss any other Tuesdays during the semester.
I mean c'mon, I've been waiting for AC to make his way to Texas for a while, and now that my change is just 4 months away....oh geez....maybe I should talk it over with the parentals...I mean Dallas is way closer than NY, so maybe I can have some leverage...shoot I'll even pay for my friend to accompany me!! 

Anderson Cooper is live in Beirut taking you "Inside Hezbollah," its weapons, its warriors and its mission. Tune in at 10 p.m. ET.
• Gallery: Anderson Cooper and Soledad O'Brien in the Mideast
Well Anderpeeps, I have to work until midnight tonight so I'll probably catch the repeat since I can never just fall asleep when I get home. Until then have a great weekend!!!