Wednesday, August 30, 2006

On 360 tonight

Wednesday's Show: Now that polygamist leader Warren Jeffs is behind bars, "360°" introduces you to the man who could replace him. Tune in at 10 p.m. ET.

I want to offer my apologies to all of you out there that stop by to read my humble blog. I've been very busy as of late, and the stress level skyrocketed last night. Hopefully I will be able to find a routine to update the blog, and get back to the Anderfun!

Hope you all have a great Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Thanks.I will try and tune in daily .I understand my schedule
is jam packed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rita - sorry you are so swamped lately. Although, I'm sure you know the secret to pleasing us, just post a picture a day of the Anderhunk and we will wait patiently until you have time to blog again.

Hope you had a good day!