Friday, April 21, 2006

Last night's 360

Howdy all!!! Although I missed 360 last night (I know I know bad Anderfan) Here are a couple of screencaps thanks to stillife out at Anderloads.

So, these hour long shows are becoming normal, I wonder what will happen tonight. I wont be able to watch (again bad Anderfan) I'll be at my sister's basketball tourney. Go Shock N Awe!

All I know is that organic chemistry should NOT be scheduled at 9am sheesh it's a killer!!!! I really need to learn NOT to procrastinate! I still haven't done my last lab, and haven't done any of my lab write ups (bad student!!! lol)

Well anyways, hope everyone is having a great day!! :)


Sheryn said...

Rita, now that's my definition of patriotism! Love the screencaps!

Good luck today!

Rita said...


Anonymous said...

its alright Riuta!! atleast its a hard class, I struggle with the easy shit haha