Sunday, April 23, 2006

Picture of the Week 04/23/2006

Hey Anderfans, this picture is just...I can't even describe what goes through my mind when I see it! The man has some nice hands, I will say that much lol!

Oh yeah my Spurs won 122-88!! One down, 4 to go in this round!!! One more day, until I'm officially not a "teenager"!!!! Yippie! lol


Barbara said...

That picture makes me think he has a toothache or mouth sore... sorry.

You turning 20? Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rita. Your present will be arriving shortly. I told Anderson to make sure to make it on time but we all know he is so busy he may be late.
Rita he just called, he can't make it. Sorry :o( Maybe next year, this way you both could go out for drinks. LOL

I do love this hands.