Saturday, April 05, 2008

Picture of the Week 4/06/08

Another week has passed so it's time again for our special of the week Anderpicture and puzzle. I noticed Anderson ended the program with a "have a great weekend", but no "see you Monday". So if we end up with an Anderless week, I'll try to post a new puzzle everyday. I suppose we could spend the extra two hours we have exercising in honor of Anderson's boycott of Kelly's exercise segment! Anderson could consider himself lucky, at least belly dancing wasn't part of their fitness repertoire! In case you missed his appearance or the first 15 minutes like I did, here's the link to his stalker story, if you have the stomach for it that is. I warn you, you many find it disturbing. I mean it may get to the point where he won't even say hello to anyone and you'll hate to even think about approaching him and finally getting to meet him if you haven't done so up till now. Anyways, here it is if you're interested:

screen cap from the Tonight Show
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

You will find this week's puzzle here;


Rita said...

very lovely picture Chris! Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chris for the pictures.

I too, noticed he didn't say he would see us on Monday, so I figure we are in for a Anderless week, but he does deserve the time off. If so, looking forward to the Anderson puzzles. I love working them. Not very fast at them though. BJ

Anonymous said...

He doesn't always end with " see you on Monday...but if we are in for an aderless week, ten he does deserve it. especially with the PA primaries coming up.

Yeah the stalker stor is very disturbing, but he did say that this woman had been hrassing him for at least two years. Poor guy he cannot even have breakfast in peace.

Rita said...

Anon 2:35: Seriously?! TWO years?! Uhmm yeah there's something called a restraining order! Maybe he'll finally decide to take action on this matter.