Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Buster is Back!

Thanks for the nice comments on the blog yesterday. To be honest, I'm much more comfortable just posting screen caps than writing. I imagine Anderson reading the blog and then thinking to himself "idiot!" He is so intelligent that it makes you feel a bit inadequate and inferior. I appreciate the nice words though. It makes you feel good when you get compliments. Gosh, Anderson must feel ecstatic on a regular basis with all the compliments he gets. Deservedly so.

I really enjoyed AC360 last night. Do you find you appreciate the show so much more after he's been gone? Now that doesn't mean I want him to go away oftener. Anyway, it was good to see Buster again. I don't care if he's 101, 94, or 84, he's doing pretty darn good. I couldn't run a marathon and I'm no where near his age. My mom is in her 80's and she has trouble just walking. So God bless Buster no matter his age. I also get a kick out of the fact that he's smoking right before running and he still drinks beer. All the things that are supposed to be bad for you but he's still going strong in his senior years. Gotta luv him!

Speaking of age, with all due respect to Gary Tuchman, didn't your mom teach you it's not polite to ask a lady her age? I was chastising him throught the television for asking the polygamists women how old they were. I'm not surprised that they aren't being straightforward with the media. They are probably afraid of being chastised by the church leaders or even just their husbands if they spoke out. They'd probaby get beaten for talking or kicked out of the compound. That might not be a bad thing except, they wouldn't be able to take their children with them. I still think they should've taken the mothers as well as the children.

Enough yammering, here's the screen caps from last night. Enjoy!
screen caps courtesy of Sahira, merci beaucoup!
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1 comment:

The Pensacola Hippie said...

yes I sure do appreciate AC more after he has been gone awhile. And you're right he IS intelligent. But I also have heard from folks who have met him( LUCKY) that he is the nicest, most down-to-Earth guy one can hope to meet. LOL I don't think our Ac will be going anywhere anytime soon, what with all the primaries coming up now.