Friday, April 25, 2008

Limpy, Yellowstone wolf

CNN has begun running ads for its second Planet in Peril investigation. We all remember the last one, it was awesome! One of our favorite segments besides the elephant and sloth who couldn't get enough of Anderson (smart animals!), there was polluted water, deforestation and of course, Yellowstone. Anderson pointed out all the changes that took place after wolves were re-introduced into Yellowstone. It was said that it was now an ecosystem as it should be. The presence of the wolves affected many other species, both plants and animals.

Unfortunately, this balanced ecosystem is at risk once again. The killing in the Greater Yellowstone region has already begun. Te Bush/Cheney Administration has eliminated vital federal protections for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies. Weekend wolf hunts have been organized and one group tracked a wolf for 35 miles on snowmobiles before shooting it dead.

Limpy was so nicknamed because his hind legs were injured in a fight when he was young. He was almost eight years old, a methuselah when he died in March. He was shot in Wyoming on the first day wolves lost their protected status under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

To read more, follow the link:

More on Limpy:

Limpy was many things to many people -- to wolf-watchers, he was the hobbling member of Yellowstone’s famous Druid Peak Pack. To Utahans, he was the first wolf to be seen in the state for more than 70 years.But wolf 253M’s celebrity didn’t save him in the end. Limpy and two other wolves were shot dead in an elk feeding ground, part of Wyoming’s brutal shoot-on-sight policy that covers virtually the entire state.

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