Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Day Two of No Anderson

Hey Folks, hope you had a good day. It was really pretty here today. We got a good glimpse of spring. It's supposed to hang around for a few days, sunny and highs in the low 60's. Then when we used to walking around in shorts and working in the garden, it will turn cold and snow. Really, I'm not joking. That's the forecast, cold with rain and snow for the weekend. I hate rain and snow together.
I took advantage of the nice weather this evening and went out and raked the leaves. I felt sorry for the poor little crocus plants. Now they can bloom without having dusty, dirty, dry leaves poking them in the face. I missed the snowdrops this year, they are pretty much done. They bloom so early I usually miss them, and they are way too small to look at from the house.

Keeping my promise, here's another Anderpuzzle for you. http://www.jigzone.com/puzzles/9E1387D3100?m=D025092D44.71181A2&z=6

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