Thursday, April 10, 2008

Declaration of Love

Why do people have so much trouble saying "I love you"? Why do we wait until it's too late? Too late to be together, too late because they are gone - either geographically or physically, or too late because the other has moved on. I was watching Charmed, as usual. It was heartwrenching; Andy and Prue finally said the magic words. Those three little words that mean so much but are said so seldom. What is sad is that the event that moved them to declare their love was the knowledge that Andy was in imminent danger. No surprise, at the end of the episode Andy had died.

Okay, I know I've seen this episode many, many times and I know a week ahead of time what's going to happen. But it makes me cry each and every time.

Enough yammering and on to some Andernews. In the May issue of Outside magazine, Anderson's interview with Patrick Symmes appears along with a great photo of Anderson on the cover and the following quote, "How one smart risk can change your life". I would imagine Anderson is referring to his taking off to a war zone with a press pass created on a friend's apple computer. Obviously, that was a great risk; and we all know how it started his very successful career as a journalist, author, and anchor. On the website, the article is promoted with the cover shot of Anderson with this quote underneath the pic, "My sense of what's dangerous is completely warped. People have stopped asking me for advice, because I encourage people to go anywhere." It sounds like me when people ask if the roads are bad in the winter! In Anderson's case, it is easy to see how risks can lead to great rewards. From personal experience, it is also good advice when you think back on risks you refused to take and have wondered ever since, "what if?" What if I had tried? What if I had found the nerve to approach that person or verbalized my feelings? It is sad to spend your life regretting roads not taken, risks not taken, and wondering how things might have turned out differently. On the other hand, I can't stop thinking about the woman with the 6 bags looking for Anderson at his place. She took a risk and look what happened. She ended up a fill in joke on Regis & Kelly. Let's hope that's the worse that happened. I just hope she in very familiar with New York City. I would hate to think what could happen to a small town girl lost in the big apple with a broken heart, broken dreams, and no one to care and nowhere to go.

To see the cover shot, go to

Either you've all become addicted to the puzzles and stopped commenting or you've found something to pass the time while Anderson is away. If you have found something to do in Anderson's absence, clue me in. I'm bored and miserable. Just in case you need a new puzzle to work, here ya go:


Anonymous said...

Chris, I am sorry, I am NOT bored with your puzzles. In fact I love working them. I try them in different shapes and sizes. Please keep giving them to us.

I hope Anderson can keep this stalker under control.


Anonymous said...

I can't bear to watch Campbell so I've been going to the gym. I haven't been to the gym in 9 months so it just shows you how bored I am.

Anonymous said...

i miss anderson! campbell brown just cannot cut it. she is so not cool!

Anonymous said...

As for Campbell Brown, I'm not thrilled with her either. It's strange that they don't let Erica sub for Anderson. No one can live up to him, but I wouldn't mind either Erica or John subbing if we have to have one. Although, when Jack Cafferty is off, they don't have a substitute. They just say he's off today.

Working out sounds like a good idea. I might try that. Not tonight though, gardening did me in.

I miss Anderson too!!!

Anonymous said...

why don't they let Erica sub? She's been with Anderson (OK, in Atlanta- but still on the show) for years. Did everyone get blindsided by the AnderVacation? How dare he sneak off AFTER spring break! Doesn't he know no one takes vacay now ?! And he bettr be in a cold, sunless climate ;)