Thursday, June 08, 2006

Guess who's BACK!!!

Well its Thursday night, and what do you know ANDERSON IS BACK to grace my t.v screen!!! I kinda thought he would do the show with the breaking news with Zaqawi. Looks like I'll definately be catching Anderson during commercials, half-time, and of course the replay later on tonight.

If it was up to me, I would be watching 360, with some beautiful eye candy, and catching up on current events, but NOOOO my mom wants to watch the game. I mean, gaah mom, it's not like my Spurs are playing :)

Omg, the whole blackberry segment was hilarious!! OMG just when you think you can't possibly fall any deeper in love with this man, he goes and pulls a stunt like that!!!

screencaps courtesy: [info]jld1119


Phebe said...

How did you do that? I mean get jld119's little link to LJ to show? You're a techno genius.

Rita said...

Well when she posted the caps, I just copied her name and the little LJ image along with it so I wouldn't have to type it, I could just paste it, and it automatically posted it at a link!!

Rita said...

Phebe: funny thing is I tried to do the same thing for another user, and it didn't hmm i dont know what the deal is

Anonymous said...

Hey Rita - thanks for posting those pics of Anderson with his blackberry (why does that sound naughty?)Anyway, I love those segments and thanks very much for posting. He is the cutest thing!!

Am going to try to watch the video, wish me luck!!