What should YOU get Anderson for his Birthday?!
Good morning Anderfans!!!! As many of you probably know, Anderson's birthday is quickly approaching. I'm pretty sure we've all seen this topic on various communities and websites "What are you getting Anderson for his birthday?" Honestly, this question hadn't even crossed my mind until reading all the Anderfans share their ideas. I will admit, some of the ideas floating around are awesome, but this one has to be my favorite. What if we all came together and donated to a charity that is close to his heart, in honor of his birthday on June 3rd?! Brilliant!!!
I'm proud to announce that a donation drive honoring Anderson has been established at The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. It will begin on Tuesday, May 2nd and will continue through Wednesday, May 31st. Like Anderson said last week, suicide is a problem hiding in plain sight. Education is the best weapon in suicide prevention. Please visit this WEBSITE to find out how to donate to The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention birthday fund for AC. There are several options (online, by phone or mail) that are available, and the website explains it all.
If you would like to be updated on the successfulness of this donation drive please check in periodically at All Things Anderson
Thank you Rita for promoting this idea. Anderson gives so much of himself for viewers now it's our turn to give something back.
Thank you for posting about Anderson's Bday Donation Drive!
Hey Rita - just stopped by to say hi since I haven't seen you in the chat room lately. Great idea for Anderson's b'day, I'll be sure to donate.
Hey you!!! yeah i've been so busy this week with rehursals I haven't even caught Anderson!!! I've caught some clips, and part of the replay but I've been so tired I fall asleep. Man I'm def gonna have to take me some pics or something to get through my Anderless vacation!
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