Wednesday, March 01, 2006

YOU too can help keep them Honest!!!!

Fellow Anderfans:

In the final days of the second 12 days of Keeping Them Honest, the campaign is pleading for your help. Anderson Cooper is doing his best not to let this country just simply move on and forget about Katrina and the survivors. If you believe in and support what Anderson is doing for the Gulf coast, then PLEASE, DO THIS!

Click the following link to participate in the Keeping Them Honest Campain
Keeping Them Honest Campain

Join in our united effort to speak out on behalf of Katrina Victims. Let our elected officials know that we want them to live up to their promises, give help and representation where it is needed, and to accept the responsibilities of the jobs that we hired them to do.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke

The only “politics” involved in this effort is the politics of compassion and honesty! This is a non-partisan effort! The sole purpose of this campaign is to encourage people to speak up, speak out, hold elected officials accountable and motivate them to take action. Your efforts can help over one million people get their lives back!
Participation in this project says nothing of your politics, but speaks volumes about your heart!

Keeping Them Honest Campain

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