Sunday, March 16, 2008

Have a Great Weekend?

Anderson signed off at 3:00 AM with the usual "thanks for watching" and a bonus "have a great weekend"! That was really sweet, but I wonder if I was excluded or exactly what part of the weekend applies. Why you ask? Cause excuse my language but this weekend so far "sucks". Like I said, forgive my language but I'm in a really bad mood. I got up late (not unusual) when I really needed to get up extra early. I went shopping to pick up Easter cards for my Mom's great-grandchildren and some grandchildren (my nieces and nephews). I remember being a little kid and just loved getting presents and greeting cards with a little gift of money inside. Sounds like an easy task, right? Wrong! They didn't have cards that were appropriate. Most of them said "to grandma, grandpa, Mommy, Daddy" etc. Now tell me, how many little kids send greeting cards? So I went fancy schmanzy and hit the Hallmark section of the grocery store. I finally decided which ones I wanted and picked out a couple of first birthday cards as well. While untangling the confusion of who all I needed cards for I called Mom for assistance. She really picked up my mood (beware of sarcasm) by telling me we weren't getting company for Easter after all. Why do people tell you bad news ahead of time? I could've happily gone through this whole week looking forward to Easter and having company. Now I'll be in a lousy mood all week! Well, depending on 360, Anderson may help my mood a bit. It's been known to happen; a giggle here and there, a funny clip for The Shot, or a silly exchange with Erica. I guess there's a little bit of hope.

Anyway, I got home with the groceries and unloaded the trunk. After paying a fortune for eggs, chickens must be living in 5th Avenue penthouses and eating caviar considering how expensive eggs are; I proceeded into the cellar, opened the refrigerator door, and dropped one of the bags on the cement. Of course, it wasn't the bag holding the 3 packages of meatloaf mix, nor the two bottles of RC cola. Nooooo, it was the bag holding 3 dozen of eggs. I have to tell you I felt like swearing, even though I rarely use those kinds of words. Luckily, I did end up with a dozen and a half that weren't even cracked. So "yes Virginia, there will be colored eggs this year." We will also be making something that takes an indeterminate number of eggs considering 2 were really smashed and 3 were cracked to varying degrees and leaked unknown amounts of whites and bits of yolk.

Now, how will I get the Easter basket of food blessed this year with no one to take it to church for us?

Hope you are all having a great weekend and good luck with all your Easter preparations.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Chris you are having such a bad weekend. From the sound of that 3:00 sign off he didn't say he would see us on Monday, so he just might not be on next week, to give you those Ander giggles you so badly need now. Hope I am wrong.

The Pensacola Hippie said...

hey Chris....thx for updating this blog.

I hope AC will be on next week.