Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Michael Ware is Back

Raw Politics - McCain's Must
John McCain says he will win or lose this election based on Iraq... He needs to convince voters there has been progress in Iraq. Can he do it? Tom Foreman gives us a progress report... and Michael Ware is live from Baghdad. Tonight, 10 ET.

I must say I loved the show last night, lots of smiles and giggles and that little 4 year old singing "Hey Jude" was the cutest little thing. It makes you want to go out and have a dozen kids. If he really knows 40 Beatles' tunes, he must have been listening to their music in utero.

The piece about the solar panels and the redwoods (sounds like a children's book), was puzzling to me. If the trees grew enough to shade the neighbor's house, wouldn't the shade keep the house cooler and therefore, he wouldn't need as much power to cool the house? I need someone to explain that to me. As usual with local laws, they follow them to the letter and all common sense goes out the window. One good thing, at least we're starting to hear a little about solar power.

Since I didn't have a chance to blog yesterday, I will put up some screen caps from Anderson's report on 60 Minutes. Check back later tonight. Sorry for the delay, but it will be worth the wait I'm sure.

screen caps courtesy of Sahira, merci beaucoup

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