Friday, February 22, 2008

AC to be on 60 Minutes this Sunday!

Coop has another segment for 60 Minutes this Sunday evening. Make sure you watch. I shall try to have a good screen cap from the program on Monday.

By the way, Erica Hill did MUCH better last night, in my opinion,. No silly stuff.


Anonymous said...

But I like Erica with all the silly stuff, it's more fun!!!

Most importantly Anderson likes it, he thinks Erica is funny and witty!

Rita said...

i haven't tuned in to see the match up with erica and anderson, but i loved her silly-ness when she was just doing the ins and outs here and there type of stuff. I like her, and I mean she know's how to be serious when it's needed too, but let's face it with stations usually focusing on the 'bad' news it's good to have some light hearted segments.

The Pensacola Hippie said...

Anderson likes her a lot, so I guess I can learn to like her too.

Anonymous said...

I like Erica, but I just worry about the show becoming nothing but entertainment. I like tuning in to 360 for my world news and if they keep adding segments that are funny, there won't be a lot of time for the serious news. JMO

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's much of a chance that AC360 wil have too much lighthearted stuff that there won't be time for serious news. I think news is usually so upsetting or depressing that we need the fun stuff.

If you recall, Tom Brokaw always ended the NBC Nightly News with a lighthearted or human interest type story. He always tried to end the program with a smile. So for me, I hope Anderson and Erica keep up the banter.