Thursday, February 28, 2008

RE: Ware is Back

Yeah I am glad to see Michael Ware and Christiane Amanpour back. Ware and Amanour are top-notch professionals.

However, I continue NOT to be impressed at all with Erica Hill's actions on 360. What on Earth does AC's haircut have to do with any of the stories they cover on the show. C;'mon Erica., this is'nt a morning show! Yeh their exchanges used to be cute, but now that she has gotten on the set with AC all it is is a goofy banter-fest. I venture to say she intigates flirting! This is ridiculous. I've been a loyal 360 follower for years and think that anyone who shares the spotlight with AC ought to be held to the same sort of high standards we expect from Ac and the other correspondents.

I know a lot of you like her as an addition on the 360 set, but frankly I don't. But Anderson, for some reason, seems to enjoy her company on the set. Why do men appreciate women who act brainless? I am not saying that Erica isn't smart, but I do say she doesn't ACT intelligent on the show. Heck, she doesn't even act like an adult. She and I are the same age. (b. 1976)

CNN, what are you thinking???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's not anyone's(viewers) choice who gets to be on the show. It's Anderson's choice, he likes Erica. He likes Erica a lot!

She is very cute and funny. Viewers need some fun stuff along with the serious news.

And as far as her comment about Anderson's haircut? Everyone who watches the religously notices when he gets a haircut. So what's the big deal if she said something about it on air.

She blogs live along with him on the 360 blog. And plus she reports on some important stories everynight. If you pay attention, her blogs enteries a lot more informative and longer than Anderson's.

She is doing a good job.