Thursday, February 28, 2008


This turned out to be a late blog today, had lots to do before AC360. I didn't even get to check the various blog postings today. Usually I read them all; so if I duplicate what someone else has said, forgive me. First off, I loved the program last night. Anderson was in a good mood and back to kidding around with Erica. He was so serious Tuesday night I was wondering if something was wrong. Sure the news is serious business, but not that night. The lights went out in Florida, and though it was probably a mighty annoying experience for Floridians, it's not like a plane crashed or anything. Needless to say, I'm glad things were a little more lighthearted last night. The Beat 360 was priceless; too bad AC didn't want to show off his biceps for us. But that's okay, we've already seen them. My theory is he's heard about all the fuss that's been made over the photo from New Orleans and he's probably making fun of us. Not ever had anyone make a fuss over my physique, I say "enjoy it Anderson, it's much better to have people praising your looks than making fun of them or making derogatory remarks about them. I've had that experience and I tell you, "it ain't fun!"

I really like that CNN brought Erica to New York; I wonder how Anderson likes having her in the studio with him. It may make the hour go much faster having someone there that you have a good rapport with, someone you're comfortable with. It's nice for the viewer as well, even if the news is depressing, the comments they make back and forth with each other make it seem more .... intimate? Not sure that's the right word but I think you get my drift. The remark about his haircut cracked me up. Personally, I like when he lets it grow. Sure maybe it's easier to take care of; but how would guys like if we girls sported buzz cuts so we wouldn't have to get out of bed an hour and half earlier to do our hair? Preferences aside, he looks seduisant no matter what length his hair or what he's wearing. Thanks Erica, you get a chance to say things the rest of us don't have the opportunity to say.

Now that the sartorial portion of the blog is a fait accompli, we get to the rest of the program. Politics is not my favorite subject. It might be okay if you don't have an opinion and have not chosen a candidate. However, once you've made your choice, it's discouraging listening to everyone knock your fave and discuss how soon they would pull out of the race. The talk of Hillary quitting if she doesn't win Texas or Ohio is really annoying. What about the remaining states you haven't had their primaries yet? Don't they count? Shouldn't they have the opportunity to speak and cast their ballots for the candidate of their choice? Hey, you guys have to pick someone different, the rest of us didn't like that one! Doesn't sound very democratic to me!

I don't know if Anderson would mention this story or not, but it broke my heart when I read it. A woman in India prematurely gave birth on a train. She passed out and the baby fell through the toilet and on to the railroad tracks. The newborn was found a few hours later and died in the hospital. As if I haven't cried enough this week, this event brought a new flood of tears. This poor woman's grief must be almost unbearable. May God bless her and help her through her pain.

Tonight we get treated to another 360 audition. Don't miss it! At least if you're tired of the political bickering, you'll have something else to look forward to in the program. My Mom always used to say, never discuss religion or politics. Now I know why, you're not going to change anyone's mind and it always ends up with someone yelling.

Have a great night!

PS Let me know what you think of the screen caps....too big? too many? not enough? I'll post them whenever I can get them.


The Pensacola Hippie said...

I think the caps are GREAT:)

Anonymous said...

There can never be to many caps of Anderson. LOL

You had a great review of the show last night. I had not heard about the lady from India having the baby and it passing away. How awful for her.

I really like the way you are all keeping this blog going. So many Ander blogs have shut down over the last year.

Keep up the great work and know that we appreciate what you do.

Rita said...

Chris and Mac you two are life..well blog savers! I don't know what I would have down with out you two stepping up to this...well the blog would have closed obviously. BUT THANK YOU TO THE Nth degree! even though I haven't been able to contribute as much as I would love to, I really do enjoy the posts you all submit!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey ladies! I've been neglectful of my Anderreading lately with my new job and all, but wanted to tell you super job! It's good to see Chris back and that you gals are back to blogging! Rita, we need more Andericons!!! (joking, I know you're busy!) Take care and I promise to be a faithful reader!

Rita said...

Mizzkel you are right we do need more andercons!! i was thinking about that the other day! maybe things will slow down a tad and i can put some together!

Anonymous said...

I can send you some good pix & screen shots - just remind me. I have no skills to make the icons, that's your dept. dearie!!!

Chris said...


Good luck with your new job; and congratulations, of course!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope we can keep everyone interested and entertained, without causing any wars. Controversial isn't exactly my cup of tea.

I only wish I could make my own screen caps. I'm at the mercy of my supplier!

The Pensacola Hippie said...

I don't make good screen caps either.