Saturday, September 02, 2006


Hey everyone, I just upgraded some features on the blog to make it more convienent for everyone. Since school has started, and college life is so hectic, it's much easier for me to run one blog instead of multiple ones, but I do understand that since this started off primarily as an Anderson Cooper blog that it's hard to keep up with all the post that just have to deal with Anderson. So if you check out the right hand side of my blog you will find an extensive list of "labels" that you can click on and it will take you to all the post with that specific tag. I tried to make anything Anderson related start with "Ander" to put them at the beginning of the list. All post have been labeled hopefully to make it easier on you, the reader, to find what you are interested in reading.

Please feel free to contact me for any suggestions, comments, or questions about this change.

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