Sunday, September 24, 2006

My weekend

Hey Anderfolk! Hope you all had a great weekend! My weekend was a blast!

I attended a concert Friday night, featuring Landon Smith, Matt Jones, and Ryan Holley (3 great musicians I found on myspace) Ryan is from my hometown and I had seen him twice before once with Landon and once with Matt. It was really dark in the room so my pics didn't turn out to great but I did get a picture with Matt, he's a terrific guy (all of them are really) but I've gotten to know Matt a little bit through myspace and it's been great! So check out their music, and let me know what you all think!!!!!!!

banners made by myself

So did anyone do anything fun and exciting this weekend?!

Now to get back on topic here:
Monday's Show: Military recruiters, disgracing their country and the uniform. "360°" investigates how some are abusing their authority with potential enlistees. Tune in at 10 p.m. ET.

HOPEFULLY, I'll be able to catch 360 on Monday since I don't have to work, but I do have a biochemistry test on Tuesday, so we'll just have to see how it goes down.

Also, I'm still looking for a correspondent to help me out with the blog-I don't want to stop the Anderson part of the blog, since it's the main reason I started it, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to by myself with my school work. Anywho, no need to get all down and out over it at the moment, so here's to hopefully a GREAT Monday!

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