Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday Blues

Did you ever have one of those days when you just didn't feel like getting out of bed? You just want to curl up un the electric blanket and grandma's quilt and bury your head in your pillow. Well, today was one of those days. There was nothing in particular wrong, at least nothing that I could put my finger on. Then finally I managed to drag myself out of bed; you don't want to know what time it was!!! I turned on the computer hoping to find something that would cheer me up. I checked the 360 blog, no Anderson; I checked my email and naturally no one had written me. Of course, it was probably because I hadn't written to anyone. I finally decided to widen my horizons and stretch my wings and break with tradition, I would read a blog not written by Anderson. Believe me, that's a rarity. BIG MISTAKE!! BIG! HUGE! It made me mad; they criticized one of my favorite people. Considering the fact that the premise of the blog was the same as his report on 360, I should've known I wouldn't like it. So much for branching out. So in conclusion, when you come across a day like this, there's only one thing to do besides shop, you post some pictures and hope it not only brightens your day, but hopefully will also brighten others.

Some lighthearted moments from AC360. Enjoy the stroll down memory lane!

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