Friday, January 04, 2008

Is it just me...

Man, I wish everyone would just leave Britney Spears ALONE! Everyone keeps complaining that she needs to shape up and do this and do that and turn around and do this...but they are the same people that keep pushing her to her limits!! I seriously think she just needs to get out of Hollywood and away from the limelight and find herself, and WHO she is!

She just needs a good geniune friend in my opinion. Not someone who is going to be there when they want to party but the person who is going to be there through this difficult time and console her and giver her some advice. Now her mother...don't even get me STARTED on that woman. Where is she when her daughter needs her the MOST?! I mean c'mon!!! WAKE UP people!

Now, I know Britney will probably NEVER EVER READ THIS, but if I were to address her I would probably say something like this:

Britney, you have so much potential and it's such a sad thing to see it just wasting away. You need to get control of YOUR life for YOU first, forget about the papparazzi, forget about everything bringing you down. Take care of yourself so you can be there for your kids; you can't be there for them if you're not able to be there for yourself. You have a brand new album out, that ROCKS, so take that as the first step to getting back to where you belong.

I'm not ashamed to say this, but I do adore Britney. I own her cds, I wear her perfume, and I'm not afraid to stand up for her.


Lulu said...

Hi Rita,

I confess I'm not a Britney Spears fan, although I do like her new album (a first for me), and I agree with your comments. She's still a young woman and I do hope she is able to turn things around. It's difficult though when you achieve that level of fame when you're very young. You haven't yet figured out who you are yet. She has so many handlers around and she's their meal ticket. If she's out of the limelight, they don't get paid. You're right, she doesn't seem to have any genuine friends, and her parents sure aren't doing her any good. It's all very troubling.

Rita said...

It is very troubling! I do feel so bad for her I really do, I can't explain why that way, I mean I'm sure there are other celebrities out there that have been this media-ized (yeah i know not really a word haha) but I really didn't have this level of compassion for them.

I agree with everything you said, but I'm sure Britney could afford to get out of the limelight for a little while to just empty her thoughts and get away from it all to maybe reach some level of peace, and relaxation.

I've grown up to her music, I remember when I was young singing and dancing with my cousins to her songs and learning the dances haha *blushes* However her new album just BLEW me away!! There isn't one song on there that I can't listen to over and over!!