Thursday, May 20, 2010

Okay, Everybody say "awwww"!

Okay, I know that's a strange title but if you watched AC360 tonight you'll no doubt understand and agree. Wasn't the Shot one of the best ever? It was indescribably adorable; such a cute little critter. Those of you who are loyal and long time viewers of 360 will surely remember Anderson holding a sloth in the Planet in Peril program. It was a sweet picture. The little critter looked like he was in heaven! (Can't say I blame him!) He was holding on to Anderson's t-shirt with his little paws and looked like he wanted to stay there forever. Of course, he was getting a back rub so it's no wonder he was so contented. We then got bonus footage of the slow bouris getting tickled. That is one of my favorite shots. Like Breanna said, "that's ecstasy right there". Thanks Anderson; great way to end the show and go to bed with a smile.

There was serious and important stuff on the show as well. However, during this time I can't handle bad news. I'm having enough trouble just existing and living day to day and handling the normal everyday problems and chores. Trying to live through grief , feeling sad and depressed, I can't find words to describe the creep who preyed on depressed people who were contemplating suicide. He went online and encouraged these people to go ahead and commit suicide, going so far as to tell them how. Worse yet, he may not even be punished. To be honest, I don't think there is a punishment in existence which matches his crime. Thank God for the initiative of the British woman who caught on to him and pursued it and contacted the police.

Time to go and enjoy tonight's program. Have to relish Thursdays since we won't have live Anderson tomorrow night. I'm really starting to hate weekends!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weekend Musing - a day late!

It's now 3:00 AM. For at least three years now I've been staying up and watching AC360. Sometimes it is not such a good idea, watching something upsetting or sad right before going to sleep. Other times it is helpful when Anderson does something funny, lighthearted, or ends the show with a giggle and a "goodnight or see you tomorrow". I read tonight on another blog that there.

I will miss the live AC360. You never knew what was going to happen. Sometimes the give and take between Anderson and whoever did the bulletin would take a strange turn and something humorous would come out of it. Taped versions are too perfect and you lose the spontaneity that brings out the best in Anderson.

Sometimes I wish I had the power some other blogs seem to have. They didn't like the live two hours and after constantly complaining, CNN took away the second hour and went to a repeat. They are complaining again about the stories and now more changes are coming. Wouldn't it be nice if all of us were listened to so intently and people rushed to do our bidding?

I have always thought highly of AC 360, the show and the man. His big heart and compassion, his intelligence and quick wit, and his genuine caring for those less fortunate add a touch of humanity to the show that no other news program possesses. I hope they don't change too much and that they don't go away. Through all the hardships that have touched my life lately, I can't describe how much his stories have helped me by showing me that things could be worse and others all over the world are suffering too. I hope I will be lucky enough to meet the man someday and sit in the studio audience.

Until next time, God Bless!


Thursday, May 06, 2010

Nashville Recovery

Hey folks! I don't know about you but it's been a tough week. I'm glad the weekend is here. 360 was great the last couple of nights which helped a little. Anderson can always make things better. I'm so glad he went to Nashville. I can't imagine how they manage to keep smiling after so many have lost so much. I know we're not supposed to be attached to our belongings, but I must confess I would be devastated if I had to go through what the people of Nashville are going through right now. I guess I'm too sentimental. Our eartly belongings represent people we love and memories of times, events, and feelings shared. Everytime Anderson covers one of these disasters I think about how I would feel and what I would do if I had to go through it. Let me tell you, the results aren't pretty. I'd probably do as well as I am handling being without Mom.

I'm sure many of you are tired of me mentioning Mom. I apologize but she seems connected to everything I think and do these days. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how much time we'd have together, it wouldn't have been enough. The bond is too great and after so many years it's hard to let go. I must say though, if I hear one more person say it's okay because she was 91, I will hurt someone. When it's your mother, the number doesn't matter because you always want more time.

Having apologized for getting personal, I'll go back to AC360. The show from Nashville was great. Anderson is at his best when he's out with the people and talking one on one and allowing them to share their stories. I just wish he could go to every town that has a disaster. I wonder how the people feel in those places where 360 doesn't show up. Do they feel neglected? Do they wonder why other people's disasters deserve a AC360 visit but they don't? My prayers are with them all and I hope they recover as quickly as possible and get back to their normal everyday routines. I was especially touched by the litle boy (or should I say young man) who went out with his dad on their boat to rescue people. He is to be commended for his courage and bravery. I was surprised he wasn't scared being at the water's edge and his quickly rose higher and higher.

Let us not forget these people now and in the months ahead as they recover and always remember to include them in our prayers.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oil spills and this and that

Hey everyone! Okay, I know I've been awol for a few days. If my muse and motivation are absent, I figure it's better to skip a day or two. I've noticed there are some blogs in the Anderworld that never miss a day: come rain, shine, sleet, or snow they blog on time. It doesn't matter if they are in a good mood or a foul one, they blog on time. At first, it's almost admirable. However, in reading these blogs you'll notice that they criticize Anderson's every word, the stories he covers, the way he covers them, and .... well, you get the picture. I often wonder how many decisions are made at CNN by people who believe that the opinion of these bloggers is the opinion of the rest of us. As for me, these bloggers don't speak for me. I like the show and even though it lacks Anderson's personality and integrity when he's not there, it's still a good show. I just hope we don't lose AC360 because some bloggers had a bad day and aim their constant complaints at the program. One thing I'm curious about is how many of you watch AC360 even when Anderson is off. Maybe it depends on what else is on. I wonder if Anderson watches it when he's off? You know, get a glimpse from the other side of the camera?

I still don't understand their cutting the show from two hours live to one hour live. For some reason they didn't consult me on the matter. Enough on that subject.

A bit of environmental news; the oil slick edging toward Louisiana. Does this convince anyone why we shouldn't have offshore drilling? When bad things happen we always wonder why. Why did God let this or that happen? Maybe sometimes it's his way of smacking us on the back of the head like Gibbs to get our attention. I hope this oil slick convinces people we shouldn't be drilling in the ocean. Besides the chance of an accident, doesn't this raise the temperature of the water making hurricanes stronger? Even cell phones create some heat despite their small size, surely all that huge drilling equipment would create heat. We'll keep watching and hopefully Anderson will keep em honest and maybe even take a trip down there. Sorry about the ranting but this is a subject that gets me hot under the collar. Mom is probably glad she isn't here and would have to listen to it. That's another thing I miss - my sounding board; someone to share things with, good and bad.

One reminder, Anderson will have a segment on 60 Minutes this Sunday. Have a good night everyone and keep your fingers crossed that we'll have an AC360 with AC come Monday.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 2: AC360 without AC

I'm not sure which is appropriate at this hour, good evening or good morning! Guess it depends on where you are. I don't know about you, but the week seems so much longer when Anderson is off. Yes, I know he deserves and needs some vacation or at least work that is a litttle different from the same old, same old. However, I miss the show with him sitting behind the desk. It's part of my nighttime ritual. He puts a smile on my face before I go to bed. He makes me forget my problems, my troubles, and takes away the loneliness. The loneliness is the worst since Mom is gone. It surrounds me like a heavy, dark cloud that feels like it's closing in on me and pushing me down. I'm familiar with the feelings of loss, but at one appointment someone verbalized perfectly. The doctor asked how I was doing, besides having a "heavy heart". I don't remember if I heard the term before but it was like a light bulb going off in my head. That was it! That's how it felt. A big heart normally seems like a good thing. A heavy heart, though, isn't the same thing. It makes you feel like your chest is too full. It's a feeling of intense presssure as though someone were sitting on your chest. You can't take a deep breath. The only time it's relieved is when you cry your eyes out. As horrible as that feels, it does relieve the pressure you feel inside, at least for a little while.

Sometimes in articles or interviews, Anderson mentions loss and how he misses his dad and brother. He seems to have handled his grief with moderation, style, and grace, and generosity. I constantly wonder how he does it. It's been quite a few years and he's come through it. I often wonder how he did it; how he does it now. What I wouldn't give to have his guidance. A helpful hint or two to guide me on my way through this dark and dismal world that has me trapped. It reminds me of that one commercial on television. You know the one where they ask where you want to go - answer: no where. What do you want to do: nothing. That's the way I feel.

To be bluntly honest though, there are a few things I want. I want a shoulder to lean on when I cry. I want to feel strong arms wrapped around me to make me safe again. I want that large hand resting in my hair and stroking me while I listen to that calm, soothing voice. That gentle voice telling me he is there and everything is going to be okay. I know it's not going to be okay, but I think I would still like to hear the words.

For those of you still up, goodnight and sweet dreams. For the early risers, have a good day.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Musings

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I guess I could say mine was okay. Nowadays, any day I can get through without uncontrollable crying, aka meltdowns, I consider a good day. I've spent the evening watching "Pretty Woman" . Yes I've seen it before; probably dozens of times. I could no doubt recite it word for word. As with most things, there are favorite moments.

You know how there are things we wish we could do, wish we could be? That's my favorite moment in this movie. Remember when Vivian (Julia Roberts) walks through the hotel lobby after shopping and everyone stops to watch her? I wish I could have that effect on people. The same thing happens when she and Richard Gere are on their way to the opera and she is wearing that beautiful red dress. Of course, people who elicit such a reaction like Anderson Cooper probably hate it; consider it intrusive, annoying, and embarrassing. However, for people like me and my mom who grew up feeling invisible it's a different story. Mom always described herself as having mousy brown hair, being shy and quiet, as opposed to her older, popular, outgoing sister with her long, blonde hair, brown eyes, and adventurous nature. She was the one who always came home from school with her long hair blowing in the wind, carrying her boots, and toting a stray puppy begging incessantly, "can I keep him, can I keep him?"

Growing up as the mousy one, I should know the importance of compliments. This is why I can't understand my careless omission a week or so before Christmas. I came downstairs to find Mom sitting in her recliner with a book in her lap and a cup of tea and remnants of breakfast on the table near her. I stopped and stared at the scarf around her neck. It was a small, white chiffon scarf secured with a small, costume jewelry Christmas pin. It was a Santa Claus on skis holding the two sides of the scarf together. It looked really nice and was something different that she hadn't worn before. I stood in front of her staring at it and thinking how nice it looked. But I never said a word. She probably thought I was staring and thinking it didn't look right or thinking "why is she wearing my pin"? She couldn't read my mind and wouldn't know I thought it looked really nice. Why didn't I tell her? For someone who doesn't get compliments all the time, they are important. I should know this! Why didn't I say something?

Now it's too late. She's gone and I can't go back. I can't make it right. I can't change it. How often do we hear that life is short and we should make sure we say the important things?  We need to tell people how we feel? Yet we still ignore this sage advice and go on as usual. Why?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Writer's Block?

Sitting in a hot, relaxing bubble bath scented with "Silent Night" the words flowed through my mind like a babbling brook twinkling in the sun. So now, here I sit with my laptop on my lap ready to record those inspiring thoughts. And guess what? NOTHIN! Can't think of a thing to say. Don't you hate days like that?

One thing I would like to say is "what's going on with the people at 360?" There is always somebody leaving! How many of us would give our first born to work there and there's all these people there who pick up and leave. I don't get it. However, I think it's great that this mother decided to stay home and devote all her time to loving, caring, and nurturing her new baby. In my opinion, that's the way it should be. I was kidding about the firstborn by the way.

I've noticed some other blogs have been very critical of AC360 lately. Well, not lately. Certain blogs have been criticising 360 for years. I just hope this time no one pays any attention. First they complained that too much of the second hour was the same content as the first hour. Finally, they cut out the live second hour and just re-run the tape of the 10:00 PM show. Now the complainst seem to be bringing about another change. Are the live audience programs they're planning going to be taped replacements of the 10:00 PM Friday programs? I hope not. I like the live AC360 and would love if they went back to two hours; more Anderson is better than less Anderson. Let me know what you think.

Have a great weekend everybody.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Erica Returns

Since Erica left AC360 there has been something missing from the program. Yes, Candy Crowley and Jessica Yellin do a good job, but it isn't the same and Erica is missed. Last night, Jessica had a surprise for Anderson and lo and behold, Erica appeared. Unfortunately, she came back to mock Anderson over his Jeopardy non-win. It was great to see her again and hear the good old andererica banter. I also liked the walk down memory lane with Jessica over the 80's song "Don't You Want Me Baby?" and other goodies. It looks like Anderson may be hitting the road again. During his interview with Sean Penn he mentioned returning to Haiti. It breaks your heart hearing all those people are going through. I wonder how long until we learn to help these people in a more timely manner.

Speaking of heartbreak, didn't you feel for that couple who had he police pounding on their door 50 times over a period of years. An elderly couple in their eighties shouldn't have to put up with stuff like that. Anderson displayed a very appropriate response to their predicament.

Well, it's 3:00 A.M. and I should attempt getting to bed at a decent hour. My mom and I always went upstairs together whether or not I went to sleep. It's hard now going upstairs to bed. It's a stark reminder that she isn't here with me and I'm alone. So ladies and gents, give your sweetie an extra big hug and don't forget to appreciate that you have them and you're not alone. Maybe marriage isn't a bowl of cherries and everything isn't perfect, but at least when things go wrong you have a shoulder to cry on and someone to console you. That's more important than you may think. If you're single and living with your parent, treasure every moment. You can't imagine how it will hurt when they are gone. On an episode of the television show "Crossing Jordan" there was a quote that went something like this: hold on dear to your parents for it is a scary and confusing world without them." I always thought it was a sweet sentiment, but I never grasped the meaning completely until now. It is very true my friends.

Welcome back - for better or worse!

I never thought when my computer died that it would be years till I got back to the blog. There have been so many changes since then. I was just reading my last entry and it mentioned Sen. Ted Kennedy having a seizure. As we all know, he is no longer with us. On a personal note, the same applies to my Mom. As we were going up to bed at 4:00 A.M. she suffered a stroke. She managed to hang on or I hung on to her, I'm not sure which, for about three weeks till she left us. I'm not handling it very well to be honest.

What does this have to do with Anderson Cooper? Well, maybe not much except I probably rely on the show and him even more than I used to. It is one of a very few things keeping me partially sane and helping me to hang on to that thin thread that Anderson talked about that keeps us from going over the edge. I know everyone loved the screen caps but I it may take me awhile to get back to that. I just now dug up my password and figured out how to get back on the blog. So be patient with me and I promise if a rant or meltdown is coming on, I will warn you ahead of time. You can then leave the blog safe and unscathed and not have to listen to me lose it. I can always burden my best friend with my meltdowns like I usually do.

Till I make it back again; take care and keeping watching AC 360. With the help of Anderson and 360, maybe we can come up with a few good days here and there.