Tuesday, February 07, 2006

AC 360 Blog. I want to know what you think as well!

Would you donate your face?

Hope you all had a good weekend. I spent most of mine in a self-imposed news blackout. I'm finishing up a book I've been writing, and am already past my deadline.

We had our morning editorial call early today, and there was a lot of discussion about the French face transplant recipient. I get pretty squeamish watching surgeries, but I find this procedure fascinating. The fact that once you have the transplant you won't look quite like yourself, but you also won't look like the person whose skin you're getting, raises some provocative issues.

For example, if this surgery becomes more common, all of us are going to be confronted with the question: Would you be willing to donate your face when you die? It's an interesting question. Several people in our office who are organ donors weren't sure they'd be willing to go that far. I'm not sure how I feel. Logically, it's no different than donating an organ, right? Nevertheless, I find it tough to think about.

I'd be interested to read some of your thoughts.
Posted By Anderson Cooper: 12:34 PM


Rita said...

I can sit here and think, sure why not donate my face. It's not like it's going to look like me anyways-the tissues would just take on the recipients bone structure; but it's still hard to think about. I would definately need to do more research before making any kind of decision.

QueenAnneGrl said...

I think many men wouldn't mind having Anderson's face donated.