Saturday, February 04, 2006

"...never forget the people..."

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We always hear that Anderson is a "new breed" of reporters, and I really think the above quote is proof to that statement. In conjunction with the quote (which is my absolute favorite quote from AC) his coverage on Hurricane Katrina also justifies the statement as well.

I'm pretty sure mostly everyone has seen his Niger story, and what an amazing story that is. It's so heartbreaking, and real, and always brings tears to my eyes. It's often hard to contemplate the realism of children starving, and dying from malnution. I wish there was more I could personally do, but then reality does set in. I'm just one person. You are just one person. BUT we are more than that! If we all came together and reached out to help those in need, what a difference we could make.

I'm a proud sponsor of a beautiful 7 year old girl from Lesotho, South Africa. What a blessing she has been to my life, and she probably doesn't even realize it. I've been sponoring her for 9 months and I just get this feeling of joy deep down inside everytime I give my donation. I recently recieved a letter from my child's mother, and of Libuseng's writings; I was very happy to have gotten a letter it really did brighten up my day.

My sponsorship is in conjunction with the non profit organization World Vision. I just pray that people will be led to partner up with us, and shed some hope for the children that have basically nothing. Please visit their homepage, I'm not asking you to immediately sponsor a child, but I'm just wanting to get the word out, and hopefully one person will be touched by the work that World Vision is doing, and will want to sponsor a child.

World Vision Home Page

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