Friday, December 21, 2007

*SQUEE* Sweeney Todd

OMG OMG OMG!!! So I drove 45 minutes to watch Sweeney Todd and WOW it was GREAT!! Johnny Depp is FANTASTICAL!! I just love his voice too!

Oh Johnny the things you do to me.... hahaha That's definately a weak spot for me, a gorgeous guy, who can sing, and is a AMAZING actor!!

Sorry folks but Depp is and will always be my number one!!

The music to the film is superb, I actually had to go out and buy the soundtrack! I was quite skeptical at first with the duet's between Johnny Depp and Alan Rickman, since Rickman has the deep, "silky" voice but OMG it was EXCELLENT!!

Sweeney Todd definately has an all star cast behind it (Depp, Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, and Sacha Baron Cohen) and it's directed by the marvelous Tim Burton!

Man folks, if this movie was playing in my hometown I would definately be watching it OVER, AND OVER, AND OVER!!!

My *squee* level is just through the roof to the infinite degree!!!!

The movie is quite bloody, but it's not bad (well I dont think, but that's coming from a person who wants to be a criminalist and work at crime scenes...yeah maybe it is idk) It also has some very funny moments in it as well!!

So all in all, Sweeney Todd gets 2 thumbs WAY WAY UP! A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :D

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