Friday, December 07, 2007

CNN Heros was WOW!

Anyone who missed the CNN Heros special last evening, there is another chance to view it from 8-11 EST. I saw it last night and all I can say is WOW. Every person chosen by the panel is a hero and I am so glad that these sort of extraordinary folks were honored in such a public, international way. I had tears in my eyes and also these stories made my brain go into overtime. One person CAN make a difference in the world if she/he is determined enough to do so.
My favorite, if I must pick one, is the 12 year old boy who started the bone marrow program. He seemed so poised and mature. I will not divulge anymore incase there are any Anderfans who have yet to view this special.
The music was excellent. I really like Sheryl Crow's new song.
Anderson is an excellent host for these sort of events, and I enjoyed seeing and hearing from Christiane Amanpour as well. They make a good team and are the only reasons I view CNN at all. Amanpour is a living legend in the world of jounalism.

1 comment:

kristen said...

i think my favorite was the everyday superhero!