Erica Returns
Since Erica left AC360 there has been something missing from the program. Yes, Candy Crowley and Jessica Yellin do a good job, but it isn't the same and Erica is missed. Last night, Jessica had a surprise for Anderson and lo and behold, Erica appeared. Unfortunately, she came back to mock Anderson over his Jeopardy non-win. It was great to see her again and hear the good old andererica banter. I also liked the walk down memory lane with Jessica over the 80's song "Don't You Want Me Baby?" and other goodies. It looks like Anderson may be hitting the road again. During his interview with Sean Penn he mentioned returning to Haiti. It breaks your heart hearing all those people are going through. I wonder how long until we learn to help these people in a more timely manner.
Speaking of heartbreak, didn't you feel for that couple who had he police pounding on their door 50 times over a period of years. An elderly couple in their eighties shouldn't have to put up with stuff like that. Anderson displayed a very appropriate response to their predicament.
Well, it's 3:00 A.M. and I should attempt getting to bed at a decent hour. My mom and I always went upstairs together whether or not I went to sleep. It's hard now going upstairs to bed. It's a stark reminder that she isn't here with me and I'm alone. So ladies and gents, give your sweetie an extra big hug and don't forget to appreciate that you have them and you're not alone. Maybe marriage isn't a bowl of cherries and everything isn't perfect, but at least when things go wrong you have a shoulder to cry on and someone to console you. That's more important than you may think. If you're single and living with your parent, treasure every moment. You can't imagine how it will hurt when they are gone. On an episode of the television show "Crossing Jordan" there was a quote that went something like this: hold on dear to your parents for it is a scary and confusing world without them." I always thought it was a sweet sentiment, but I never grasped the meaning completely until now. It is very true my friends.