Today In Our Nation's History...

There isn't really much I can say that probably every other American isn't thinking or feeling. This day in our history as Americans should ALWAYS be remembered, and NEVER forgotten. This day taught America so much; from it's vulnerability, to it's amazing power to rally back. It was trully amazing to see how patriotic we Americans can be after being hit so hard and experiencing extreme pain as a nation. However, it saddens me that it takes that kind of tragedy to bring out our patriotism as a country.
So what emotions stir up deep inside me on this day? Many to be honest. Saddness, shock, reverence, hope, and anger are just a few. I'm sure each and everyone of us could put together a massive list of how this day makes us feel emotionally.
I for one love this country, sure we have our problems, but let's face it what country doesn't? John Wayne summed it up when he said:
"Sure I wave the American flag. Do you know a better flag to wave?
Sure I love my country with all her faults.
I'm not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be."
--John Wayne
I hope that Americans around the nation will put their political differences aside today and realize that there is so much more to life here than political parties;I hope that so many people can get rid of this "it's all about me" mentality as well. What can YOU do to better this country? Stop focusing on yourself all the time and look around you! A random act of kindness is contagious and can go along way.
This country is better off than so many, yet there are people that are suffering in this country like so many in others. We are NOT perfect, nor will we ever be! Change is gradual, I hate the thought that so many people think that who ever takes the office will radically change America. Reality check, it will not happen.
But I digress, this post isn't about that, it's about remembering all those people that lost their lives on this day in history, as well as to remember all the men and women who have stepped up in order to defend our country.
So I pose two questions for all of you to think about.
- One, is America to big to fail?
- And if we do, who will step up to help us in our time of need?
I hope this post doesn't come off the wrong way. I also want to thank you, if you took time out of your busy day to remember America in remembering the pain we felt as a nation. Even though I may not post entries like this for other events that have happened around the world that have hurt other nations as this one did to America, I do remember them and send my thoughts to everyone.
Thank you all for reading, have a great day/evening.