Sunday, March 16, 2008

Anderson's exchange with Obama

So what do you think of Friday's Obama interview?I think AC did an excellent job, but I still think that so much more needs to be looked into regarding Obamma and his relationship with this particulart ' Church". That guy's statements are inflammatory and divisive, to say the least.

Dave Gergen is one of my fave 360 pundits, and he made some excellent points regarding the impact that this will have on the Obama campaign. I DO NOT NOT NOT support Obama . And, in my opinion, he is gonna have a heck of a time campaigning in rural PA.

Anderson comes from one of this nations most eminent families, I am curious to know what he thinks of Obama's pastor's remarks regarding race and class. Lets face it, AC is about as WASPY as one can be. ( and wow, he is the best-looking WASP in the world)

1 comment:

Rita said...

i only voted in the dem. primary here in texas bc i knew mccain would get the nomination, and i don't support HC one bit and would much rather have obama on the ballot, however i dont plan to vote dem on the general far as i can tell now but yeah i'm always open to both parties, we'll see come election time who will get my vote.