Wednesday, March 19, 2008

where AC has been this week.

He had not taken time off for personal time. He had a small patch of skin cancer removed from his face. But, according to the Blog, all is well and he'll be back with us tonight( albeit with stitches)

Go to and follw the link to the boog and read his entry.

We wish him well. He is in my thoughts and prayers.

Look on the blog again, he is on his way to Charlotte, NC , where they are gonna broadcast live tonight.


Rita said...

the only downside now after having it removed it keeping an eye out for others. it's time consuming at times and get's quite annoying, but it's for the best. I myself have had 2 moles removed that were pre-disposed to melanoma and have to keep a watchful eye. but it's always better to be cautious than sorry.

Anonymous said...

OMG,I read that blog post a little while ago........I am stunned.

I so hope and pray everything is ok for him.

Anonymous said...

Rita, I hope you continue to be find and not find anymore cancer moles.

I would like to add my best wishes to Anderson as well. I hope everything will be okay. As far skinned as he is, I am sure he will always have to watch for this.

Rita said...

Anon: thank you

I agree, with you as well concerning AC.