Monday, November 10, 2008

Thank you to those that emailed me about the previous post!

So I've done some thinking and this is what I've come up with. Andernation will NOT be deleted. It will remain up, I will just have a limited role in it for the time being.

Who knows...maybe one day I can watch CNN and not want to throw something at my tv (I've actually have watched a few times here lately, so I will consider that progress), and actually blog.

I would however like to get back into the graphic portion of the blog, and start to make more Anderson graphics (he's still a nice sight to see!)

To all of you that continue to stop by, THANKS! I'd also like to ask for your patience as we're making the transition of trying to get everything sorted out.


Anonymous said...


Rita I am glad you are still going to give it the old college try.

I wish I had time or even know what I could do to help. I am not very savey when it comes to computer things.

We will be patient and I am glad you have found someone to help you.

Rita said...

BJ: Thanks!!