Thursday, April 17, 2008

AC360 Tonight

Wasn't it nice to have 2 full hours of live AC360 last night? I wish they would do that more often. Tonight on 360......

Ready to lead
From childhood aspirations, to marital troubles, to eventually her choice to run for political office... we look at what has prepared Hillary Clinton for the biggest race of her life. Friday, 10 ET

Tonight AC360 will complete their profiles of the three presidential candidates. Regardless of which candidate you are supporting, these reports have been informative and interesting. I don't know about you guys, but I don't think anyone is going to change their mind. If nothing else, it reinforces your stand. It's odd though, so much of Obama's appeal stems from his inspiring speeches, yet I became even more uninspired after seeing the report on him. If I remember correctly, he was a member of the Illinois state senate for only 3 years when he decided to run for Congress. He lost. Four years later he tried again and won by a landslide. We are up to the year 2004, and instead of spending years in the senate fighting for the people of Illinois, he is now running for president.

When Tony Blair of Britain was in Parliament and looking ahead to running for prime minister he wrote a book "New Britain". In this book he talks about his vision for Britain and the things he wanted to accomplish. I believe Bill Clinton wrote a similar book. People who aspire to become the leader of the land should have a broad view of what they want to do. The impression I get from Barach Obama is that it is all about him. It's not what he wants to do for the people of Illinois or the United States of America, it's what he wants the next line of his resume to say.

Now I admit, maybe I'm a little cynical concerning Obama because he's not the candidate I'm voting for. Let's just say I didn't see anything in that report that is giving me second thoughts.

Regardless of how you feel about any of the candidates, these reports are informative and important. Looking forward to the one tonight.
screen cap courtesy of Sahira, merci beaucoup
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Anonymous said...

Chris, I couldn't agree with you more on Obama. Besides his great speeches, what has he done to show us that he can lead this country? Sadly, I think the media is too infatuated with him to realize this.

Chris said...

I used to think it would've been better if Obama had waited an election cycle or two before he decided to run. Now I don't think it would've mattered. I now don't think it matters who runs against Hillary. The Clintons are just the couple people love to hate, to use an old soap opera expression. People either love them or hate them, and apparently, never the twain shall meet.