Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am sorry I have not been too faithful to this blog.

I am pretty pissed off at 360 right now. Rather than hearing about NOLA and the recovery efforts there, we got fifty minutes of more Obamamania with that crazy pastor! Ugh. CNN, please give it a rest ! I am so disgusted with this.Now I know that the piece Randi Kaye did last night was excellent, but in my humble opinion there should have been more about NOLA and less about Rev. Wright. The man has gotten way too much media attention anyhow.

So yeah, I am sorta pissed off. And tonight they are scheduled to have Michelle Obama's take on the Wright story. * rolls eyes*


Anonymous said...

I agree wholehertedly! Why bother doing the show from NOLA if you're going to completely ignore the city and only talk about Wright for @55 minutes. I even thought it was a poor choice to have such a tight shot of him all thru out the show, if you didn't know he was in NOLA, he could have been anywhere outside.

I really don't want to watch Michelle Obama and then Rev. Wright tonight. It seems Mrs. Obama is making the talk show circuit tomorrow, she's on both the Today Show and GMA tomorrow. Overkill, IMO. Anyway, I'll probably tape both hours since last night they slipped in a completely new segment in the second hour that was about NOLA that most people must have missed.

Sorry for the rant! Need pretty picture of AC to cheer me up, LOL

Anonymous said...

Anderson was in NOLA for a speech at Tulane University, so that was why he was there, but I don't understand why he couldn't do more stories about NOLA. And he lied when he told LK that he goes there ever couple of weeks.

He also said he would see us tonight, but he was a no show. So I wonder what is up with that?