Monday, February 25, 2008

AC in Cali!

As usual , another excellent report by AC. Here is the promised screencap from last night's 60 Minutes segment. I am NOT a fan of ^0 Minutes at all, but I do watch Anderson's segments.

I do hope and pray that the " bakery mafia" don't come after our Mr Cooper since be covered this story! That iss scary stuff! Apparently the Oakland police are totally inept when dealing with these Muslim extremists( How they can ignore Muslim extremists in this day and age baffles me. Clearly these sorts of people are threats to our national security, but I won't chase that rabbit hole now.

Regarding Erica, I agree with the folks who say that AC does not need a co-host. Sure the banter is lighthearted, but so far all Erica has been doing is what she did from Atlanta! Having her in the studio thus far has not added to the quality of the broadcast. As someone who works in the field, I was hoping that we'd see Erica do more than just read from a Tele-Prompter. But of course this is just my professional opinion. I know a lot of you all like the Ander-Erica banter, but in my opinion since she arrived in NYC its gone from lighthearted to downright ridiculous!

1 comment:

Lulu said...

Hi Mac,

I love Anderson's reports on 60 Minutes! Those longer, more in depth pieces really show his skill as a journalist. I wish he'd do more stuff in this format on 360.

As for Erica, yeah I don't understand why she came to 360 just to do the same thing she did before. I like her banter with Anderson, but I too thought she'd be doing more reporting. Of course we're not privy to all the details of the move. Maybe more is to come.