Friday, January 25, 2008

Erica Hill Cometh!

Just a quick reminder today about Beat 360 and Erica's blog post, then I'm off to run errands. This will be Erica's last day on Prime News and then she heads to New York to join AC 360. She blogged today about her move. Here's the link:

Beat 360 had me doubled over with laughter again today! Okay, I am exxagerating a little. Thank you Anderson for this new feature, I love it! Check it out for yourself and if you're the witty sort, send in your own caption. The picture is priceless and I wanted to put it up here b ut I wasn't sure if it was legal so hope over there and have a look yourself. Beat 360 link:

P.S. I just watched the end of Prime News and it was so sweet! Erica had me in tears, not unlike herself. I'm really not a news person so I've never watched Prime News before. I tuned in today out of curiosity, knowing it was her last day. It was touching and moving and I hope she is at home and comfortable at 360 as she was in Atlanta. Bonus, her sweet baby will have some snow to play in, at least once in a while anyway. Oh, and let's not forget grandparents in driving distance. That's always a good thing!

Enjoy the show tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I'm not looking forward to Erica on 360. Too much banter is hazardous to your health.